Who We Serve


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Every person can be a leader. Every leader deserves support. If you are interested in living your best life, learn more about how individual coaching can put you on the path to success.

Groups and Teams

Working with others presents advantages and challenges. I will help members unify to overcome obstacles and optimize advantages, so all members contribute effectively. The exact advantages and challenges of any group is dependent on the type of group and the individual members. I take a unique approach depending on your organization, mission, and members. I primarily work with three types of groups:

  1. Leadership Development and Team Coaching

  2. Volunteer Groups

  3. Ministry Groups

Leadership Development and Team Coaching

You want your team members to show up because they feel engaged and invested in the mission of the organization.  When engagement wanes, team members start to see work as only a means to a paycheck. As a leader, you want to inspire them to show creative problem solving, initiative, and enthusiasm. You will need them to see how their special talents are welcomed and important to achieving a goal. You can start that process by investing in their success. Learn how United Momentum can help your business team.

Volunteer Groups

Volunteers show up because they believe in supporting a vision. However, it is often a challenge to organize and rely on volunteers. Turnover and training is another challenge. Putting volunteers where they feel most impassioned and equipped will improve their reliability, capabilities, and longevity. United Momentum will help volunteer groups train, place, and retain the people so vital to their operations.

Ministry Groups

Leaders in ministry frequently focus on their own roles and departments so much that they neglect the church’s larger goal and vision. When that happens, the culture of the ministry degrades the team approach. A team strategically makes sure each person’s role and efforts advance the common goal. United Momentum will support you as you develop a winning team.